Charda Bell
Charda Bell
Black-Owned Business, Breast/chestfeeding Support, Childbirth Education, IBCLC, Lactation Consultants - EducatorsBio
Melanin Milk SD was born & raised by Chardá Bell, Pronounced (shar-day) rhymes with Hey! I’m an IBCLC, Certified Doula, Birth Educator, Pre/Post Natal Yoga Instructor, and Doula Trainer/Mentor. Please Note: I’m no longer accepting doula clients.
I have 10+ years combined volunteer and professional birth work experience positively impacting the lives of others. My goal is to eradicate inequities and disparities through multi faceted support efforts such as eliminating barriers, networking to find trusted resources and offering mentorship, partnership or sliding scale fees.
I run the Southeast San Diego Breastfeeding Clinic every Tuesday I host a free support group from 11am – 12pm with by appointment only private consults available for booking before and after. Located inside of Access Youth Academy at 704 Euclid Ave San Diego 92114. Additionally, I offer private birth classes and lactation consults in home and via Telehealth. Visit my website for more info, All of my birth classes include the Spinning Babies Parent Class Module as I’m a provisional Certified Spinning Babies® Parent Educator. I’m also a certified pre/post natal yoga instructor. I’m an instructor and curriculum consultant at Jennie Joseph Commonsense Childbirth Institute. For fun, and to provide free education and encouragement to parents, I became a content creator and do occasional social media influencer work to provide free and discounted products and give them back to my community.
As a San Diego native raised in an entrepreneur household, I’m defining my own lane in the field of reproductive health and wellness in our community to bridge the birthing community to fill the gaps we know exist through building connections, partnerships with each other to provide full wrap around care and warm hand offs for my clients.
The dedication I put forth to the birthing and parenting community of San Diego is a part of my lifeblood and shows in every aspect of my work. Everything I do is meant to uplift, empower and celebrate black family wellness and resilience.
My focus is on local marginalized communities with regard to maternal and family health with a particular emphasis on the Southeast San Diego, where I was raised from birth until my teen years and where majority of my family still resides in Skyline hills.
Melanin Milk SD is committed to the wellness of families in mind, body, and soul. We are a designated National Perinatal Task Force Safe Spot.
Melanin Milk SD Doula & Lactation
Type of Service
Black-Owned Business, Breast/chestfeeding Support, Childbirth Education, IBCLC, Lactation Consultants - Educators
Other Services
Lactation IBCLC, Postpartum Ceremonies, Birth Planning, Childbirth Classes
Free/Discounted Services
Lactation consults are free for BIPOC families, healthy start or black infant health participants and San Ysidro health clients. Up to 50% off all other services I offer.